past exhibitions and performances:
- Club Zentrale Randlage, LIVEshow, Berlin July 2004
- World of Events, Presentation of wireless ToneLadder, Tradefair Wiesbaden
- Cybernarium
Munich Dec. 2003 - Jan. 2004
- Artespace
interactive childrens exhibition, Munich Nov. 2003
- 2nd
designers walk off Berlin 2003, Liveshow
for fashion label SYOM
- KNIPS-Youth
and Web federal initiative, Vernissage Chemnitz
- Cybernarium
Night 2003 of
Fraunhofer Institute Darmstadt
- Multimedia
Transfer Award and LEARNTEC
fair Karlsruhe
- Pinakothek
der Moderne, Munich / 5-day exhibition
garage festival, Stralsund / 2-week exhibition
Berlin / Liveshow and 2-week exhibition
- Museum
of Communication Berlin "museums night event"
- Department
of Trade and Industry, Berlin "open house event"